Casa La Doniccé employs a broad range of diverse research methodologies to produce competitively advantageous insights about consumer markets.
The firm's expertise is drawn upon a rich legacy of academic training in the social sciences combined with a continuous invocation of practical application.
The organization prides itself in its unique ability to maintain this delicate balance between theory and practice—using the same imaginative sense of innovation found in its artistic productions in its performance of the technical procedures of research, and analysis.
Imperative to the value proposition of these proprietary methods is the maintenance of its 360 degree perspective of the social current, a constant implementation of critical hindsight in the forecasting of trends, and a distinct understanding of the principles underscoring the structural framework and cultural constitution of the dynamic consumer market.
“Casa La Doniccé employs a broad range of diverse research methodologies to produce competitively advantageous insights about consumer markets.”
The Way Things Work
Our perpetual goal is to retain a strong knowledge base of the way things work in the market by determining:
What will work
When it will work
Where it will work
Why it will work
How it will work
“Our expertise is drawn upon a rich legacy of academic training in the social sciences combined with a continuous invocation of practical application.”
Qualitative methods
In-Depth Interviews
Focus Groups
Case Studies
Cultural Studies
“The organization prides itself in its unique ability to maintain the delicate balance of theory and practice.”
Quantitative Methods
Data Mining
Content Analysis
Discourse Analysis
Network Analysis
Statistical Analysis
Critical Analysis
The mastery of these methods is predicated on long term engagement in intense scientific and cultural studies—demonstrating a high level of competency in the understanding of social organization, human symbolism, and consumer markets.
Modern Day Crowds
Akira, S. (2011). Modern Day Crowds: Packs, Units, Mobs and the Construction of Audience and Fan-Base.
Presented at National Communication Association 97th Annual Conference, New Orleans, 2011.
Scent Communication in Quick Service Food Branding
Akira, S. (2009). Scent Communication in Quick Service Food Branding: The Addictive Aroma of French Fries.
Produced as part of a National Science Foundation EDGE-SBE Fellowship
Casa La Doniccé uses these advanced methods in order to construct brand identities with lasting integrity, develop marketing strategies with superior planning and execution, and to achieve the distinction necessary to obtain the coveted esteem which all brands seek to establish in their consumer relationships.
These are accomplished through the skilled application of the company's professional services:
Branding & Marketing Strategy
- Comprehensive Brand Architecture
- Integrated Design Philosophy, Motif, & Trademark Development
- Word and Visual Identity Development
- Advertising Copy and Creative Design
- Content Development
- Trend Forecasting
- Alternative, Guerrilla, & Grass Roots Promotional Campaign Strategy
- Digital Marketing Strategy
- Social Media Strategy
- Web Design
- B2B & B2C Marketing
- Cost Accounting and Effects Quantification